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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: prayer

3 Ways to Adapt Positive Daily Rituals into your Life

Every healthy, happy, content person in the world practices positive daily rituals. Whether it be going to bed and waking up at the same times every day or going on a leisurely walk every day. Practicing positive daily rituals is the key to living a vibrant positive life.  It is...

Ever Wonder What Your Guardian Angels Names are? I Will Teach You.

Have you every thought to yourself how nice it would be to be able to call upon your guardian angels and/or spirit guides by their names? Chances are you do know their names but it's a subconscious revelation and you do not bring it forth into the conscious state. Furthermore...

10 Natural Ways To Cope With Stress

 It is inevitable that there will be times, days or weeks where life is stressful. The truth is, the stresses in life will always be there but they don't have to affect your quality of life. You can choose to look at the positive and learn ways to cope and...

3 Easy Ways to Stay Centered During Your Day

With all that we have to do each day, it is easy to get stressed, side tracked and forget what is truly important in life. Here are some simple things you can do through out your day to help keep you centered, grounded, grateful and living from your heart center....

5 Days To Gratitude/Day 5

Day 5: Prayer. Being thankful before you eat. It’s also a way to connect your family and make everyone present. I am a big believer in prayer and have never missed a prayer at bedtime. It’s my time to connect and check in with myself and the universe and simply have...

5 Simple Ways to Gratitude

What better time to be grateful and give thanks for what we have in our lives than in November. Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks and having gratitude for what we have. It shouldn't be just one day a year, it should be every day, every meal. It's so easy...