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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: Jesse Golden

10 Ways You Can Be More Environmentally Conscious

Our very being depends on us taking care of Mother Earth. Do your part and know that every person doing a little makes a whole. Share your knowledge with friends and family. 1. Reduce and reuse before you recycle and refuse to bring wasteful items into your home in the...

The Ultimate Top 5 Festival Essentials

Festival Survival Guide!   1. The Aura Clearing Mist Not only will you want to spritz yourself throughout the day to keep yourself cool but it will also keep you looking fresh by brightening and tightening your skin. The other thing most people don’t know about organic sage hydrosol is it’s...

Ditch the lotion for the Oil, Heres Why.

Our skin is our largest organ and everything we put onto it gets absorbed into our system. When you know this, it is hard to ignore the products ingredients and their effects on your over all health. Americans traditionally tend to use lotion on their body. But in Europe and...

EMPOWERD & INSPIRED - A Healthy Society Starts with You.

  THE LIGHT YOU SEE IN ME, IS JUST A REFLECTION OF THE LIGHT WITHIN YOU. In order to bring harmony and balance back into the world, we need to begin to heal ourselves. This is where our power is. In how we love and nurture ourselves and then lay...

The Shiny-Hair Miracle

Secrets of the Polynesian Princesses Long, strong, lustrous, shiny hair comes from using the natural plant resources native to the islands. Coconut oil, Bananas, and the rarely talked about, Tamanu Nut Oil, which we call the "Holy grail of all oils" The Heal All Oil. There are so many uses for...

Feng Shui for the Bedroom

Feng Shui can help you turn your bedroom into a loving sanctuary. Your bedroom should be inviting and calming. Giving you and your partner or soon-to-be partner a passionate place to love each other. Here are 13 easy ways to help create perfect "Chi" for your bedroom. 1.  No mirrors...

Soulmates & Twin Flames

I think we all dream of meeting our soul mate and having them sweep us of our feet and living happily every after.  This ideal image that plays out in fairy tales and most movies fail to show the hard work and compromise that such a divine relationship takes. Everything...

5 Tips to Manifest 2018! 1 Year = 365 Opportunities

The end of the year is a great time to reflect and release things that no longer serve you. Decide what you love and what you want to leave behind. Your power comes in letting go and being open to receive. See the universe wants to give you so much...

Jesse Golden's Secret to Healthy, Glowing Skin.

I'm so grateful that my Mom taught me very early on about the importance of self-care. Not only did she share all of her favorite beauty tricks with me, she also shared the importance of self-love and has always embodied everything that the Golden Secrets is today. Here are my...