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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: health

EMPOWERD & INSPIRED - A Healthy Society Starts with You.

  THE LIGHT YOU SEE IN ME, IS JUST A REFLECTION OF THE LIGHT WITHIN YOU. In order to bring harmony and balance back into the world, we need to begin to heal ourselves. This is where our power is. In how we love and nurture ourselves and then lay...

Meet My Brother, Sean Golden

I am so excited for you to meet my brother, Sean Golden. I have asked him to be a contributor here at The Golden Secrets blog, as he is always sharing profound and innovative information about health and fitness with me, I want him to be able to share it...

5 Tips to Manifest 2018! 1 Year = 365 Opportunities

The end of the year is a great time to reflect and release things that no longer serve you. Decide what you love and what you want to leave behind. Your power comes in letting go and being open to receive. See the universe wants to give you so much...

Jesse Golden's Secret to Healthy, Glowing Skin.

I'm so grateful that my Mom taught me very early on about the importance of self-care. Not only did she share all of her favorite beauty tricks with me, she also shared the importance of self-love and has always embodied everything that the Golden Secrets is today. Here are my...

Winter Beauty Essentials

As the seasons change so does our body chemistry and our skin's needs.You may even notice that the foods and scents you crave are different depending on the season. Naturally we are born to better assimilate the foods grown during the particular season we are currently in. Our skin is...

Jesse Golden's Diet

It seems like most people want to know what I'm eating and what my diet consists of. I think more than anything, it's not about what I'm eating but more about what I'm not eating. As many of you know, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Many of the inflammatory factors that...

Why You Should Shop TGS This Holiday.

I know you have a lot of choices for gifts this holiday season. But I want to give you 8 reasons why you should get your holiday shopping done here and why you should encourage your friends and family to do the same. 1. You will be supporting a small...

Can a Weekly Bath Change Your Life?

If you are looking to add more balance and relaxation into your week without having to leave the comfort of your home then this is for you. The healing ritual of bathing has been used for centuries to cleanse your aura, chakras, and of course heal your body and sooth...

My SHAPE Philosophy for Health & Success

This post contains affiliate links. Please read our affiliate disclosure policy. My S.H.A.P.E. Philosophy for Health and Success I get a lot of questions about getting “into shape.” My answer is always that being physically toned is only PART of what I teach and live. To me, this is much, much bigger concept. The...