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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: family

5G & COVID: How to Shield Your Cells & Protect Your Family's Health

This post contains affiliate links. Please read our affiliate disclosure policy. Our mission at TGS is to share all the tools that we personally love and use to live our best life possible.   * The connection between 5G and COVID-19  * How to protect your cells and your family's health from...

Meet My Brother, Sean Golden

I am so excited for you to meet my brother, Sean Golden. I have asked him to be a contributor here at The Golden Secrets blog, as he is always sharing profound and innovative information about health and fitness with me, I want him to be able to share it...

5 Stages of Love/Day 5

Final Honeymoon -    This is the final stage. The stage that kept our grandparents together for over 65 years. The stage where real true love is derived from. Once you have gone through all the gunk and mess of finding out about each others wounds and tics and go...

5 Ways to Make the Most Out of the New Year of the Sheep

In Chinese astrology each year represents a different animal. There are a total of 12 animals that cycle. Your animal is based on what year you were born. Click here to find out. Beginning February 19, 2015 we move into the year of the Green Wood Sheep (goat/ram) the 8th animal...

Signs From Loved Ones On The Otherside

Since I was a child, I have had a deep connection with the other side. Often spending hours talking to spirits and loved ones that had passed. My experiences and curiosity opened up many conversations with family and friends, where we made pacts, that if one of us would cross...

I Was Not Born Flexible, I Fight For It. Learn How I Do It.

I grew up dancing at my Mother's studio and always admired the ballerinas who effortlessly  had their legs up to their ears. I would spend hours a day training and then after training, go home and stretch until bed. So much so that my nickname growing us was 'Stretch". I...

How I Turned Divorce Into a Positive Thing

It may come as a surprise to some, but I recently went through a divorce. I sure didn't plan on divorce being on my list of things to do in my life but looking back at all my biggest opportunities to grow, they were all moments I hadn't intended. I...

5 Ways To Have Eternal Love

I think everybody's wish is to be loved. To feel complete, unconditional love that does not waiver from outside influences. A love that fills your heart and swells your soul. A complete contentment. There are two ways to feel this magical love, self-love and faith. There is nothing else that...

What is your Legacy?

Recently I have had several conversations where the topic of "legacy" came up.  I just finished my will and had a lot of unexpected emotions arise.  Not the sadness of death itself but what I would leave behind... My legacy.  Of course there are the important details of where your...