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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: #begolden

5 Principles of Ballet That You Should Adapt Into Your Life

1. Stand tall- One of the first basic principles of ballet is to stand tall. Elongate the entire body by evenly lifting everything up. There is no frumpiness allowed in ballet and  good ballet teacher will re-enforce this with a cane! Seriously. 2. Keep your head up- If you look...

3 Ways To Gain Flexibility By Eating

 In macrobiotics, the energy and context of everything you eat has a value and a purpose. One of the most valuable tools I learned through macrobiotics, no matter what I eat, is the power of chewing. Chewing until liquid or chewing once for every tooth you have. This process slows...

3 Tools To Forgiveness That You Need To Do Today

Sometimes it's hard for people to differentiate forgiveness with weakness. Forgiving someone has nothing to do with being weak or the other person being right, instead it has everything to do with your health and the weight that carrying around ill feelings or hatred does to you. Irregardless of the...

5 Stages of Love/Day 2

Reality - After some beautiful time on cloud nine, reality starts to seep in. The honeymoon buzz dwindles down to a low hum and you start seeing those "things" you never saw before. Maybe the person had been doing them all along but you were so doped up on adrenaline...

5 Stages of Love/Day 1

The Honeymoon-  Ahhh the honeymoon period. You know that feeling when you have met someone you really like and you get butterflies just thinking about them. You find yourself day dreaming and dancing on cloud nine. Hormones overflowing with excitement, you seem unable to sleep and your appetite is completely...

The 5 Stages Of Love

Love! A human being can not live without love. First and foremost love for yourself. Love is truly what makes the world go round, what breaks us, rebuilds us, and fills our lives with hope. Our first love is often felt from our Mothers. If we are lucky, we will...

5 Ways to Make the Most Out of the New Year of the Sheep

In Chinese astrology each year represents a different animal. There are a total of 12 animals that cycle. Your animal is based on what year you were born. Click here to find out. Beginning February 19, 2015 we move into the year of the Green Wood Sheep (goat/ram) the 8th animal...


10 reasons to give yourself the gift of yoga this holiday season. 1. Yoga instills a peace of mind, no matter what outside influences there are. 2. With consistent practice, yoga creates a healthy, subtle body which combats common problems that occur with the aging process. 3. Helps clear negative...

The Golden Secrets Essential Oil Benefits

  Each oil is personally made by me with love and light. All oils are organic and pure. The actual recipe must remain a secret but here are some of the benefits this magical oil can cultivate... * This divine natural fragrance will adapt to your own body chemistry. Creating...