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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: anti aging

3 Ways To Gain Flexibility By Eating

 In macrobiotics, the energy and context of everything you eat has a value and a purpose. One of the most valuable tools I learned through macrobiotics, no matter what I eat, is the power of chewing. Chewing until liquid or chewing once for every tooth you have. This process slows...

Turn Your Coffee Into a Superfood Golden Latte

My super food, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, metabolic- boosting, energizing Golden latte. This is not your ordinary latte. With a couple extra ingredients added to your every day cup of Joe, you can be energized & feeling & looking your best! Ingredients: Organic coffee beans Unsweetened organic almond milk (no soy!) MCT...

3 Ways To Get A Strong & Flexible Back At Home

Every cell, organ and tissue is controlled by our nervous system. Our spine protects it, wouldn't is be a good idea to keep it strong and healthy? Our spine holds us up, supports us, and allows us to be mobile and active. In order to age gracefully we need to...

7 Ways To Get A Golden Tan From The Inside Out (Even in the Winter)

It seems most people desire a golden tan. Spending hours in the sun only to get burned or end up with sun damage. Or attempting self tanner, only to look orange and then spotty for days after. People always compliment me on my skin color, yes I have my parents...


10 reasons to give yourself the gift of yoga this holiday season. 1. Yoga instills a peace of mind, no matter what outside influences there are. 2. With consistent practice, yoga creates a healthy, subtle body which combats common problems that occur with the aging process. 3. Helps clear negative...

5 Things You Maybe Didn't Know about Yoga That Will Make You Want To Go

I am a certified Hatha yoga teacher. I fell in love with yoga 15 years ago when I was going through a hard time in my life. I remember making a conscious commitment to go, especially when I didn't feel like going because that was always when I needed it...

Eternal life! Staying Young & Beautiful

When it comes to aging gracefully, my Mom has been my biggest inspiration. Not only is she gorgeous on the outside but she is strong on the inside. Always accomplishing those agility tests as a 20 year old! My Mom has a young free spirit, always open and ready for...

The Gift of Yoga

10 reasons to give yourself the gift of yoga this holiday season. 1. Yoga instills a peace of mind, no matter what outside influences there are. 2. With consistent practice, yoga creates a healthy, subtle body which combats common problems that occur with the aging process. 3. Helps clear negative...